Events > Webinar: Cyber Security, Liability, & Insurance
On this CTO Nation webinar, we focused on cyber security as it relates to business risk, liability, and insurance. Every business has a responsibility to keep their data secure and to protect their customers’ data. The risk of exposure from a breach is keeping many CEOs up at night.
- Is your business taking the necessary steps?
- Do you know what liability you have?
- What if your vendors, franchisees or business partners fail to protect your customers’ data?
- Do you know how to respond if a breach occurs?
Greg Cory, CEO of CTO Nation discussed these issues and more with our guest speakers – Robert Ball, Partner at Sutherland Asbill & Brennan and Tom Epstein, CEO of Franchise Payments Network.

Robert Ball
Sutherland Asbill & Brennan

Tom Epstein
Franchise Payments Network

Greg Cory
CTO Nation, LLC